Sunday, March 9, 2025

Angelkeep Journals: Stuck on ‘Decoration Day’

Angelkeep remained old school. Decoration Day looms, and it’s a far cry between its intent and a reality of today. The former...

Pet peeves from a concerned cyclist

Now that cold weather is finally behind us the season of increased traffic on the Rivergreenway and Interurban Trails are going to...

Elected officials might deserve raises, but not this way

As parents, more than once my husband and I told our then-teenaged daughter, “It’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up.” Looking back...

Movie re-release brings back Spain pilgrimage memories

“You don’t choose a life, Dad. You live one.” That line is perhaps the one that stays with you...

Re-thinking economic development

The most recent Census survey reported 34 million Americans working fully remote, and more than 4 in 10 workers nationwide working remotely...

Picture this: The way it’s supposed to be

Every once in a while, a photo will just grab you. Won’t let go. The News-Banner does an “exchange”...

Kristina Box, health chief, leaves a job well done

If anybody deserves a chance to relax a bit and spend more time with their family, it is Dr. Kristina Box, Indiana’s...

Angelkeep Journals: Quack! Quack! Them’s fighting words.

Having grown up in a family of eight which included five sibling brothers, fighting just came natural. Fights emerged from whose mowing...

In the middle of the night, the governor gets a raise

People keep saying government should be run like a business. If you are one of them, consider this option....

Letters to the Editor: The keys to a wonderful community

I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to a Good Samaritan from Murray and Wells County Deputy Sheriff...