Sunday, March 9, 2025

Indiana’s new privacy law is not road ready

Despite Congress’ failure to enact a national privacy law, several states have implemented their own privacy rules. Just this year, five states...

A journalist discovers politics

Nikki Kelly, in a column for the news organization Indiana Capital Chronicle, expresses a forlorn disappointment in Lt. Gov. Suzanne Crouch. (Monday,...

Hard-right turn for Lt. Gov. Crouch

The Suzanne Crouch I have covered for more than a decade has never really been about politics — she has been about...

Americans rediscover the summer picnic

It’s a positive trend that I hope continues: the resurgence of summer picnics. According to Mental Floss, the Covid...

Angel Keep Journals: Black walnut blossoms and nuts and nut lovers

It appears some nut lovers are busy looking for the finest trees, the choicest limbs, and probably marking them in some way...

Property: Imagine it anew

Imagine no possessions I wonder if you can No need for greed or hunger

-30- for a few weeks for an African adventure

The label “-30-” is one of journalism’s oldest, as reporters used to write that number at the end of an article to...

Money, illusion and the state budget

Indiana’s legislative session addressed some of the most vexing public problems the state faces: hospital monopolies, housing, collapse in college attendance and...

Honoring a remarkable loss for a remarkable family

If you are not a first-time visitor to this Saturday spot, you have likely heard this before: What I’ve enjoyed most in...

A day to remember and honor

Memorial Day rolls around again and we will take the opportunity to enjoy a day with family; perhaps to fire up the...