Friday, March 14, 2025

A Scout looking for more

I am a Scout from Troop 149. I enjoy being a Scout because my friends and I have fun. We went to...

Letters to the Editor: Protecting the unborn

I am writing in response to Mark Miller’s article, “To boldly go where this man has not gone before” from the July...

Letters to the Editor: Can’t wait for the next show

We are two friends that live in River Terrace Estates who decided to attend “Beauty and the Beast, Jr.” Saturday, June 18....

Letters to the Editor: Ossian bypass concerns

The bypass around Ossian is for housing developers to move in and cash in. A four-lane road around Ossian...

We need a better bypass plan.

On a Facebook post about the bypass, someone recently said, “why are people afraid of new ideas?” I’m not afraid of new...

A good deed backfired

I was in a checkout lane at a local store June 9 when I noticed a pretty young lady in a motorized...

Peyton’s and pets — Thanks

We are the Wells County Friends of the Shelter. We are one, among many local organizations, who do what we can to...

Former sheriff supports incumbent

I want to announce my support for Wells County Sheriff Scott Holliday’s bid for re-election.

Statehouse candidate responds to Saturday’s news

The saying goes, “there are two sides to every story.” That is not the purpose of this letter.

Letters to the Editor

Appreciate community’s support To all whom attended the Boys & Girls Club banquet, a heartfelt thank you to the...