A good deed backfired

I was in a checkout lane at a local store June 9 when I noticed a pretty young lady in a motorized...

Thanks for the sidewalk

The Northern Wells Food Pantry wold liketo publicly thank the Ossian Town Board for the wonderful, smooth sidewalk in front of our...

Boucher appreciates support

I am writing to say a hearty “thank you” to everyone who supported me throughout the primary election season. 

Letters to the Editor: A ‘yes’ for Officer Stephanie

When you hear the name Officer Stephanie I’m sure one of two thoughts pop into your head, the Ossian cop that loves...

Letters to the Editor: Police Notebook comments OK

(In reference to the Letter to the Editor in Tuesday’s edition:) I actually enjoy reading the Police Notebook’s light-hearted...

Letter to the Editor: Another successful prom dress exchange season

The Wells County Prom Dress Exchange recently completed its 15th year.  This year, 46 students shopped at the Exchange with a total...

An invitation to health board hearing

As the acting Wells County Health Department Health Officer, I am extending a personal invitation to Wells County residents to a public...

Letters to the Editor

Pantry plowed out The Northern Wells Food Pantry team publicly thanks LouAnn and the road crew who got our...

Hooking up to sewer line may be an option

Just received word that if you live on a new installed line running from one location to...

Remembering Jim Harris

We are writing to thank the News-Banner, and especially Mark Miller, for the articles published on Memorial Day weekend remembering our brother...