When something makes no sense, call it what it is—madness
Schools reduced to piles of brick and cement; churches burned to the ground; apartment buildings with entire...
Funny Things Kids Say: Mixed up? Big sister knows best
Priscilla, 5, and Oliver, 3, were arguing in the car and finally Oliver said he was sad...
Friends of Ouabache history recalled at first 2022 Lunch & Learn
Kathy Schwartz, past president of the Friends of Ouabache State Park and chair of the...
An uncomfortable dining choice — and other topics
How on earth did lobsters become an expensive delicacy? They are, after all, garbage monsters of the...
Funny Things Kids Say: Bubbling over with smiles
Area resident Joyce Lomont Crowl wrote: “Been awhile since I wrote. The great-grandchildren continue to amaze us....
Tri Kappa week celebrated
Members of Bluffton’s Beta Phi chapter of Tri Kappa celebrated “Tri Kappa” week (Feb. 20-26) by collecting toys and games for...
Sponsor for teen night
Thanks to a $200 check from the members of Beta Phi chapter of Tri Kappa the “Teen Nights” at the Wells...
Supporting Wells on Wheels
Bluffton Tri Kappa members sent another check for $200 to the Wells on Wheels group and accepting the check for expenses...
Check for a park project
Jolin Whicker, at right, presented a $200 check from the Beta Phi chapter of Tri Kappa to Bluffton Parks Superintendent Brandy...
Norwell show choirs have begun their 2022 competition season
Award winners for Norwell show choirs are, left to right, Elijah Ingle, Outstanding Performer for Knight Moves at Homestead; Emily Edmiston,...