A Joyful Noise: The Spirit’s Victory

As of Thursday evening, more than 100,000 Russian troops are lurking along the eastern and northern borders...

Amish Cook: Valentine brownie for Valentine’s Day

“The bus is coming! The bus is coming!” A quick glance down our small...

Insights: An aging generation

The tail end of the “Baby Boomer” generation is now coming of age. That age when one...

Challenging + unavoidable = X. That’s a critical equation.

I invite you to think about an issue with me. The issue surfaced for me when my...

A Joyful Noise: God’s Will

Should I attend college? Should I marry? Is God calling me to preach overseas?

On Campus: Bluffton Student Named to Albion College Dean’s List

Albion, Mich. —  Bluffton student Bradley Bernhardt has been named to the 2021 Albion College Dean’s List for the fall semester of...

Insights: Dream big in 2022

Do you have a dream? If not, how can you ever make your dream come true? Charles...

Amish Cook: Growing kids, and a recipe for a meatball sub...

Tonight I held a baggie with Austin’s first tooth, which just came out. I felt a wave...


Several children recently completed the 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten Program at the Wells County Public Library by...

Random thoughts ramble on a day in mid-January

If I had it in my power, every person teaching these last two years in the throes...