Thursday, March 20, 2025

Ouabache State Park Wonderland of Lights

Ouabache State Park’s Wonderland of Lights continues daily through Sunday, Dec. 31. Admission is $5 per car.

Zanesville News

by Melba Edwards The sun is shining bright today, as I write my column, but by the time you...

Boo in Bluffton will be held tomorrow

Free Boo in Bluffton will be held from 5-6 p.m. on Tuesday, Oct. 31. Participating downtown Bluffton businesses and the City Gym...

Zanesville News

by Melba Edwards As 2023 winds down, I find myself with more and more to do and less time...

FW area potters annual exhibit

This will be the 24th year for the “Just a Bunch of Potters” exhibit and sale to be held at the North...

Adams County Ducks Unlimited bingo

A Bingo Night will be sponsored by Adams County Ducks Unlimited on Saturday, Nov. 11, at the K of C Hall, 1703...

Be on the lookout for Walter the Wandering Turkey in Bluffton parks

Walter the Wandering Turkey will...

09-18-2023 Events Roundup

Optimists host Kid’s Pedal Tractor Pull  The Bluffton Optimist Club will be sponsoring a Kid’s Pedal Tractor Pull Contest...

Shakspearian players at the plaza

Members of the Parlor City Shakespeare Company will be presenting “Love’s Labor’s Lost” at Bluffton’s Parlor City...

What’s happening at the Wells County Public Library

The Wells County Public Library takes its mission to “provide the community with access, knowledge and growth” very seriously and offers a...