Friday, March 28, 2025

Zanesville News: 02-28-2022

I am going on a short vacation so I wrote this column in advance. I will be...

YAR assists FCW by preparing sale items

Members of Youth as Resources in Wells County...

Zanesville News

by Melba Edwards The sun is shining bright today, as I write my column, but by the time you...

The ‘Tom Sawyer’ cast

Above, members of the cast of Mark Twain’s “Tom Sawyer” will be ready to entertain you on...

County trails topic for Ouabache’s lunch and learn

“Wells County Trails” will be presented by Kent Kotesky at the next Lunch and Learn event at Ouabache State Park at noon...

Events at the Creative Arts Council, January 23, 2023

Events at the Creative Arts Council of Wells County, 428 S. Oak St. in Bluffton

Events at the Creative Arts Council of Wells County 04-29-2024

428 S. Oak Street in Bluffton 260-824-5222 Facebook:...

LeFevre Quartet here Saturday

The Lefevre Quartet, from Atlanta, Ga., will present a concert at 6 p.m. Saturday, April 13, at the Gospel Barn, 428...

Events at the Creative Arts Council of Wells County 07-24-2023

428 S. Oak St. in Bluffton 260-824-5222 Facebook:...

Norwell High School Class of 1974 reunion

The Norwell class of 1974 will be having its 50 year reunion on September 21, 2024. If you have not received an...