A Joyful Noise: Perfect Perspective
On Jan. 6, 2021, Mom started dying.
Covid had assaulted her lungs for about 10 days, and finally, pneumonia...
Time for a Devotional Break: In Case of Fire, Break Glass
Most of us have seen those glass-covered, bright red fire warning and supply boxes. We recognize them as necessary for serious emergencies...
A Joyful Noise – 07-08-2023
Once again, rockets glared and bombs bursted in air above the...
Time For a Devotional Break: “No” Men In a “Yes” Men World
According to multiple definitions online, a “YES” MAN is one who agrees with whatever opinion is held by those around him, especially...
A Joyful Noise: Weeding the Heart
Whenever summer begins, I naturally think about the fall.
“Cursed is the ground for your sake … Both thorns...
Time to Take a Devotional Break: Faith’s Warranty
“They don’t make ‘em like they used to.”
You’ve probably said (or at least heard) this phrase at one...
A Joyful Noise: What a Day
Happy National Ballpoint Pen Day.
Hungarian inventor Laszlo Biro patented the pen in Argentina on this day 80 years...
A Joyful Noise: Through the Bloood
Dirk Willems was waiting in prison to die.
He had not — would not — deny his crimes, and...
Time for a Devotional Break: The Distortion of Sin
Unlike any dreaded dental appointment, visiting the optometrist has never caused me concern - until the most recent consultation. When asked the...
A Joyful Noise: Someone Significant
Every time a family celebrates a child’s birthday, people give the presents to the wrong person — the child.