Society is filled with individuals who consider themselves victims. Nothing reveals this more than advertisements, signs, and social media postings attempting to shame others for real and perceived slights.
“If you ever lived here during this time, then YOU may be entitled to compensation.”
“Go ahead – you deserve it. It’s not your fault.”
“Injured by malpractice? Contact our law firm.”
Mankind always finds someone else to blame for character flaws or failures. Initially, Adam pointed to Eve — and indirectly, God — for his disobedience (Genesis 3:12). Eve accused the serpent (Genesis 3:13). From that initial rebellion until today, humanity has become proficient in denouncing others while refusing to recognize the part they play in the “game” of mistakes, victimhood, and consequences.
Scripture reveals multiple opportunities that our Savior had to step away from His path of obedience to death on the cross.
Beginning with Satan’s personal attempt to derail God’s plan of salvation through escape in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11), Jesus could have chosen to avoid His future suffering.
Those who saw and participated in His miracles wanted to crown Him King (John 6:13), which would have destroyed the power of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Alone with His disciples, Jesus affirmed that their recognition of His position as Messiah could only have been revealed by God, then warned His followers not to tell anyone (Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 7:35-36).
When Pilate reminded Jesus of Rome’s political power over Him, Jesus responded, “You would have no authority over me…if it hadn’t been given to you “ (John 19:10-11).”
During agonizing hours on the cross, Christ was even taunted by the religious leaders to save Himself as He had saved others (Matthew 27:42).
Despite these possibilities for escape through victimhood, our Lord chose eternal victory by submitting to the will of His Father (Luke 22:42).
This fallen world offers unlimited opportunities for living as a victim. God, alone, provides the strength to live as His forgiven, restored, victorious child (Romans 8:31-39). May this Easter season inspire you to choose the best, most victorious life offered to you.