Ouabache State Park; 4930 E SR 201, Bluffton, Ind. 46714, 260-824-0926; Property Manager: Jon Winne, Assistant Manager: Ty Jessop; Interpretive Naturalist: Rebecca Wynn

Saturday, June 11

2 p.m.: Live Bison Enclosure—meet at the Enclosure and celebrate the birth of the newest bison.

4:30 p.m.: Bubbles in Nature. Meet at the campground shelter and learn how many creatures use bubbles in breathing. Kid’s bingo will follow.

7 p.m.: Night Hike. Meet at the campground shelter wearing hiking shoes and bring bug spray and a flashlight.

Sunday, June 12

10 a.m.: Fire Tower Climb. Meet at the tower and learn about the history.

12 Noon: Live Bison Enclosure. Meet at the enclosure and meet the newest bison.