At a regular meeting of the Town Council of the Town of Poneto, Indiana, beginning at 7:00 p.m. on Monday the 14th day of April 2025, in the Poneto Town Hall, 105 West Washington Street, Poneto, Indiana, there will be a public hearing to consider whether to modify the Town’s existing wastewater rates. In that regard please see below.
Ordinance 2025-2 is presently under consideration by the Town Council. That Ordinance, exclusive of whereas clauses; recitals of adoption; and proposed signature block, now reads as follows:
“NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by this Council in meeting duly assembled, that a portion of Section 1, RATES of Poneto Ordinance No. 2019-14-1, is hereby repealed and replaced as provided below:
For all users of the Town of Poneto wastewater works system:
User Charge Effective Date
Phase I $72.00 First full billing cycle after adoption
Phase II $78.00 January 1,2026
Phase III $85.00 January 1, 2027
BE IT FURTHER ORDAINED, the portions of Ordinance 2019-14-1 not amended above shall remain in full force and effect including Section 1, SEWER CONNECTION FEE: $1,500.00, while all other Town resolutions, ordinances, and parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are repealed to the full extent of such conflict.
BE IT FINALLY ORDAINED, by Council that this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect after the adoption of this Ordinance for the first full billing period to commence after its adoption, and for all billing periods thereafter, all in accordance with this ordinance, applicable law, and pending further action by this Council.”
The complete text of that Ordinance 2025-2 is available from the Clerk-Treasurer without charge and upon request made during normal business hours from the Clerk-Treasurer’s office (see contact information below).
At that public hearing, wastewater users, of property served or to be served by the wastewater works, and other interested persons may be heard concerning the proposed modification of the existing wastewater rates and charges, and matters reasonably related thereto. The public hearing may be adjourned from time to time. After that hearing the Town Council may adopt that Ordinance 2025-2, either as originally introduced or as modified by the Town Council.
Following adoption of that Ordinance 2025-2, the users of the wastewater works outside the boundaries of the Town of Poneto may be entitled to petition the utility regulatory commission under lC 8-1.5-3-8.3 to review and adjust the rates and charges imposed on the users if a petition under IC 36-9-23-26.1 with respect to the same rate ordinance has not been filed.
Any individual who requires accommodation as the result of a disability is requested to contact:
Lou Ann Reinhard, Clerk-Treasurer
Town Hall
105 West Washington Street
Poneto, Indiana 46781
Telephone: (260) 694-6888
sufficiently in advance of the hearing so that reasonable accommodations may be arranged.
Dated this 10th day of March, 2025.
By its Town Council
By Lou Ann Reinhard, Clerk-Treasurer
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