First Bank of Berne recently made a $2,000 donation to Helping Hands. Helping Hands is a multi-faceted organization who builds relationships through education, medical services, and advocacy.

Pictured left to right are Erica Bennett, FBB branch manager and Kylie Tomlin, Helping Hands executive director. (Photo provided)

Its programs and services have an appreciation for life that extend beyond a pregnancy and birth and are designed to initiate and build relationships with women, men and their children of all ages.  They desire abundant life (John 10:10) for those they serve: basic needs are met, positive relationships, healthy pregnancies and children, life-affirming choices, and most importantly – eternal hope.

How the donation will be used: During the year, Helping Hands holds numerous events to help with fundraising.  First Bank of Berne is donating towards their Bow Campaign, Disc Golf Tournament, and Annual Benefit Dinner.

The easiest way to donate is to visit our website!