Property owners, ratepayers and other interested parties in or served or to be served by the sewage works of the City of Bluffton, Indiana (“City”), are hereby notified that on April 4, 2023, the City Council adopted Amended and Restated Ordinance No. 1586 (the “Ordinance”), thereby determining to construct additions and improvements to the City’s sewage works consisting of the following:

The Project includes improvements to the City of Bluffton’s wastewater utility. Improvements include various projects within the collection system and at the wastewater treatment plant facility. Projects have been evaluated and selected to replace aging infrastructure, reduce inflow/infiltration in the collection system, optimize and improve operations, allow for growth, and provide regionalization connections to the Wells County Regional Sewer District.

Project 1 – Timberidge Septic Elimination & Regional Pump Station (SRF PER Alternative 1)

• Project includes the installation of gravity sewer main and a regional pump station in the southeast quadrant of the State Road 116 and County Road East 250 North intersection.

• Project will include the installation of 8-inch and 10-gravity sewer to service the existing residential homes in the Timberidge Subdivision.

• Gravity sewers and pump station will be sized to service a regional connection from the Wells County Sewer District and future development north of county road 250 and east to State Road 1.

Project 2 – Timberidge Force Main (SRF PER Alternative 2)

• Project will include the installation of approximately 2 miles of sanitary force main from the pump station in Project 1 south along State Road 116, east along County Road 150, and then south to connect to the North Gravity sewer interceptor.

• Force main has been sized for existing and future development as noted in Project 1.

Project 3 – Dustman Sanitary Sewer Interceptor (SRF PER Alternative 3)

• Project is a gravity sewer interceptor located in the middle east portion of the City’s Service area.

• Project will connect to an existing gravity 24-inch gravity sewer east of Main and Margaret and will be run northeast for 9,000 linear feet (plus or minus) towards Dustman Road.

• The proposed gravity sewer will include 21, 18, 10 and 8-inch diameter sewer that will connect to two (2) lift stations that will be vacated, provide for future development north of Dustman Road, and provide a sewer connection to proposed and future connections from the Wells County Sewer District.

Project 4 – Wastewater Treatment Plant South Influent Sewer (SRF PER Alternative 4)

• Project includes the removal and installation of a new 24-inch gravity sewer at the south end of the wastewater treatment plant; and cured in-place pipe lining of existing 18, 24 and 36-inch diameter sewers.

Project 5 – Moorman’s Lift Station Improvements (SRF PER Alternative 5)

• Project includes rehabilitating existing pumps, piping, electrical and controls for the existing lift station.

Project 6 – Harrison Lift Station Improvement (SRF PER Alternative 6)

• Project includes rehabilitating existing pumps, piping, electrical and controls for the existing lift station.

Project 7 – CIPP Inflow & Infiltration (SRF PER Alternative 7)

• Project includes improving existing sanitary sewers and addressing existing inflow and infiltration issues in the City’s downtown area.  

• Project will include flow metering, and construction projects that involve cured in-place pipe lining (CIPP), manhole lining, and various spot repairs of sewers and manholes.

Project 8a – WWTP Biosolid & Sludge Management Facility (SRF PER Alternative 8)

• Project includes a new facility at the wastewater treatment for the dewatering of sludge, and various structures and equipment to create a Type A IDEM approved Biosolid.

• Biosolid facility will include using solar (Green House, etc.) and pasteurization methods to create the Type A biosolid.

Project 8b – Wastewater Treatment Plant Improvements (PER Alternative 8)

• Project will include various improvements within the existing wastewater treatment plant facility to improve operations, replace aging equipment, provide for future growth and allow for regionalization connections.

• Improvements in general to include:

*Decommissioning existing treatment tanks and installing a new treatment process involving one treatment area (Oxidation Ditch) and Clarifiers.

*Installation of a new maintenance building.

*System wide control (SCADA, Controls, etc.) upgrades at the WWTP facility, and upgrades and connections to various remote lift station sites within the collection system.

*Electrical upgrades

*Upgrades and/or decommissioning of structures, equipment and piping at control building 1.

*Various site improvements and installation of new process piping and appurtances.

*Various upgrades to existing pumps, piping and valves in the existing pump station.

*Decommissioning and removal of various structures and facilities

The total estimated cost of the Project will not exceed $80,000,000. The Ordinance further directed that the cost of the Project be financed by the issuance of: (a) revenue bonds, in one or more series, in an amount not to exceed $80,000,000 which bonds will be payable from the net revenues of the sewage works; and (b) bond anticipation notes of the City (“Notes”), in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $4,500,000, for the purpose of funding a portion of the costs of the Project, including incidental expenses and costs associated with the issuance of the Notes. The Notes are expected to be sold pursuant to IC 5-1-14-5. The principal of and interest on the Notes are payable from proceeds of the Notes and proceeds from the Bonds. The Notes are to bear interest at a rate not to exceed 3.0% per annum with a term no later than five (5) years after their date of delivery. The bonds are expected to be sold at a private sale to the Indiana Finance Authority (“Authority”) or at a public sale pursuant to IC 5-1-1-1 at an interest rate or rates not exceeding 6.0% per annum and will mature semiannually on January 1 and July 1 over a period ending no later than thirty-five (35) years after the date of issuance of the bonds. Copies of the plans, specifications, cost estimates and of the Ordinance are on file in the office of the Clerk-Treasurer and are available for inspection by any interested parties during regular business hours. Objections to said project and the bonds may be filed in the time and manner provided by the Indiana Code, Title 36, Article 9, Chapter 23.

Dated this 8th day of April, 2023.

/s/ Tami Runyon


City of Bluffton, Indiana

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