The Jefferson Homemakers held their April meeting with Sharon Jump, the group’s vice president, opening the meeting in the absence of Mary Ann Ripperger, the president. Jump thanked Martha Harris who worked with her in hosting the meeting.
The thought of the month was: “Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody is going to know whether you did it or not.” — Ophra Winfrey
The inspiration was given by Jump reading “Granny’s Ship” and closed with the “Jelly Bean Prayer.”
Roll call was answered by 11 members telling what their favorite spring flower is.
Jump gave the Health and Safety lesson by informing those present what recalls were out there to watch for. The most memorable recall was on “My first Disney characters” figurines as their arms and legs detached and presented a choking hazard for babies.
The secretaries minutes were approved as read. Margie Huss gave the treasurers report and it was accepted.
Jump was asked to read, “Barely the day started,” which had to do with thinking.
The club collection was for the word “Easter” giving five cents for each letter, followed by the voluntary collection for Coins for Friendship/Nickels for Leadership.
Several cards were signed for members not able to attend.
With no birthdays to celebrate this month, Jump moved on to anniversarie. Lesley Tillman celebrated her 52nd anniversary April 1, 2023
In other matters, a fish fry will be held at Lighted Gardens at 4:30 p.m. April 29, with proceeds to go to the Back Pack Program. Also, the Ossian United Methodist Church is having a garage sale in the church’s gym April 27, 28, and 29.