The board of the Wells County Regional Sewer District moved forward on building a sanitary sewer collection system for Craigville and indicated that the construction work on Liberty Center and Murray should be done early next week.

The board approved the rate ordinance and the bond ordinance for the RSD’s Craigville project, which will bring service to as many as 220 equivalent dwelling units. The goal in Craigville, as it has been in Liberty Center and Murray, is to decommission septic system and transport wastewater to Bluffton for treatment.

The rate ordinance passed Monday night sets the rates for Craigville the same as have been charged in the other two communities — a $35 interim rate and a $95 rate for when actual service is scheduled to begin. That has been a problem in Liberty Center and Murray as the full rate is being charged even though the collection system is not yet ready for use.

About that: Lewis Brown, the RSD’s superintendent, reminded the board that the 40-day extension it gave VTF Excavation LLC to complete the sewer installations in Liberty Center and Murray expires May 10. The company is planning to have the systems operational on that day.

There is a glitch, however, in that American Electric Power has not set up power to lift stations. That should be done within the next few days.

Monday night’s meeting consisted of a public hearing on the Craigville rate ordinance, which was followed by passage of the bond and rate ordinances.

When construction work begins on the Craigville project, the interim rate will be approved by the board to go into effect, said Mark Burry, the RSD’s attorney. 

Plans call for the completion of the Craigville project by May 1, 2023.

RSD board member Leon Berning also reported on an effort he is making to provide assistance for low-income residents in RSD territories when it comes to decommissioning their septic systems and connecting to the RSD’s sewer lines.

At Berning’s request, the RSD voted to become a member of the Wells County Chamber of Commerce at an annual fee of $179.50. That will give the RSD access to chamber members’ addresses, which will then be used to ask for donations into a fund to assist homeowners who may be in need of financial assistance.

That fund will be established through the Wells County Foundation. Berning said he had talked to Tammy Slater, the foundation’s CEO, and she agreed to the plan. The foundation, however, will not screen applicants for assistance. Berning said the township trustees that serve the areas — Trent Markley in Liberty Township and Rick Smith in Lancaster Township — will be involved in those efforts.

All five board members — Andy Stoller, Berning, Mike Mossburg, Jon Oman, and Bruce Stinson — were present for the meeting, although Mossburg arrived late.

The board will meet again next Monday, May 9, to conduct regular RSD business. Monday night’s meeting was a special one, called to get the Craigville project set up.