Here is a funny kids story from Chris Otterstedt of Auburn: My 3 year-old grandson was in the process of toilet training. Mom and Grandma decided to reward him with a small toy car each time he had success. Several months later I arrived at his home with a new SUV. That night over dinner he announced to his parents, “Grandpa must have gone on the potty today because he got a new car.”
Here are two precious stories from Abbey Grim of Valparaiso.
Natalie ran up to Abbey, threw her arms around Abbey’s legs and said for the first time, “I lub yew.” Then she looked over at Caleb and yelled, “DADDY. I WILLY WILLY LUB MOMMA!”
About a week later they took Natalie up to the front at church for communion. She saw the wafers and shouted for all to hear, “OOOOO COOKIES!”
Natalie is the granddaughter of Darla and Ed Meyer of Kendallville.
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