Sheriff Sale File number: 90-22-0006-SS

Date & Time of Sale: Wednesday, April 13, 2022, at 2:00 pm

Sale Location: Wells County Courthouse first floor, 102 W Market St, Bluffton, IN

Judgment to be Satisfied: $48,204.67

Cause Number: 90C01-2012-MF-000017

Plaintiff: Wells Fargo Bank, National Association, as Trustee for Securitized Asset Backed Receivables LLC Trust 2004-OP2, Mortgage Pass-Through Certificates, Series 2004-OP2

Defendant: Charlotte Yencer, AKA Charlotte A. Yencer, The Unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, beneficiaries of Joseph Yencer AKA Joseph E. Yencer and their unknown creditors; and, the unknown executor, administrator, or personal representative of the Estate of  Joseph Yencer AKA Joseph E. Yencer and City of Fort Wayne 

By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me, directed from the Clerk of Superior/Circuit Court of Wells County, Indiana, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said DECREE, with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder at the date, time and location listed above, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate, a certain tract or parcel of land described as follows:

Lots Numbered Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) in Knight’s First Addition to Zanesville, Wells County, Indiana, Excepting therefrom that part of said lots granted to the State of Indiana for State Road #3 Right-of-Way.

Commonly Known as: 3167 BROADWAY STREET, ZANESVILLE, IN 46799

Parcel No. 90-30-04-501-036.000-022, 90-03-04-501-035.000-022

Together with rents, issues, income and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws. This Notice shall also represent service of Notice of Sale of the above-described real estate upon the owners, pursuant to requirements of IC 32-29-7-3.

* An entire Sheriff’s Sale may be cancelled due to inclement weather or other county emergencies. If the entire Sheriff’s Sale is cancelled, each parcel will be cancelled. Each parcel will be assigned to the next available sale (normally 2 months from original sale). This will allow compliance with Indiana Code concerning posting, publication, and serving time frames. Also, new Sheriff’s Sale fees will be assessed and the parcels will be automatically re-advertised. The plaintiff will be responsible for the new fees and advertising costs.

Attorney: Nicholas M. Smith

Attorney Number: 31800-15

Law Firm: Manley Deas Kochalski LLC

Contact Number: (614) 220-5611

Scott Holliday, Sheriff of Wells County

By: Karen Thompson, Jail Commander

Phone: (260) 824-3426

Township of property location: Union

Common street address of property: 3167 Broadway Street, Zanesville, IN 46799

Property tax ID: 90-30-04-501-036-000-022, 90-03-04-501-035.000-022

The sheriff’s office does not warrant the accuracy of the commonly known street address. It is the buyer’s responsibility to research the legal description and associated legal filings.

nb 3/4, 3/11, 3/18
