Exhibit B

Legal Notice

Notice of

Request for Proposals for

Financing of a New Firetruck

Notice is hereby given that the Wells County, Indiana (the “Owner”), requests any corporation or individual  (as defined in Indiana Code Section 5-32-2-5), which is interested in being considered by the Owner as the entity that will finance the purchase of a new firetruck for Wells County, Indiana all as described in more detail in the Request for Proposals for Financing of New Firetruck, dated as of February 8, 2022 (the “RFP”)(the “Project”), to submit a Verified Statement of Proposal to provide financing the Project.

Verified Statements of Proposals shall be received by the Owner until Noon, applicable Eastern Time on March 1, 2022, Attention: Wells County Commissioners, c/o Ms. Lisa McCormick, Wells County Auditor, 102 West Market Street, Suite 205, Bluffton, Indiana 46714, and if delivered in person, c/o Ms. Lisa McCormick, Wells County Auditor, 102 West Market Street, Suite 205, Bluffton, Indiana 46714. Each response to the RFP that the Owner and will determine to be a qualified response must be in accordance with the RFP and all the provisions of Indiana Code 5-32, as amended, and as applicable to the RFP process.

To obtain a copy of the RFP or any other available additional information regarding the Project, please contact Ms. Lisa McCormick, Wells County Auditor, 102 West Market Street, Suite 205, Bluffton, Indiana 46714, phone: (260) 824-6470. e-mail: auditor@wellscounty.org

Unless otherwise specifically authorized in writing by Mr. Michael Vanover, Wells County Commissioner President, as of the date of this notice, all communication between any Offeror and the Owner and/or the EC or their respective agents shall be conducted through only Mr. Michael Vanover. Any Offeror who otherwise contacts any employee, agent or elected or appointed official of the Owner between the date of this notification and the award of the Contract is subject to disqualification at the sole and complete discretion of the Owner. The foregoing restriction does not apply to the actual mailing or delivery in person of the Proposal to the care of Ms. Lisa McCormick, Wells County Auditor, 102 West Market Street, Suite 205, Bluffton, Indiana 46714.

All responses to the RFP received by the date and time set forth above, which shall be determined solely by the Owner in its sole and complete discretion, will initially be reviewed by the EC for compliance with the RFP. The Owner will then evaluate all responses and make a recommendation to the Owner regarding which Offeror it believes in its sole and complete discretion provides the best value to the Owner with respect to the Project.

Each of the Owner and the EC reserves the right to reject for any reason and for no reason at all any and all responses received to the RFP and to be the sole judges of the value and merit of the responses offered. The Owner reserves the right to terminate for any reason and for no reason at all the Project prior to executing the Contract. If such termination occurs, the Owner shall not be liable for any costs incurred by any of the Offerors with respect to any response to this RFP.


Wells County, Indiana

By: Lisa McCormick, Wells County Auditor

nb 2/10, 2/17, oj 2/17
