Pursuant to the laws of the Indiana General Assembly and by resolution of the Wells County Commissioners, notice is hereby given that the following described tract of real property is subject to a future petition for a tax deed. On October 28, 2021, the Commissioners received a certificate of sale from the County Auditor which gives the County Commissioners the same rights as that of a purchaser. The property is located at 706 W. Wiley, Bluffton, Indiana 46714 with a legal description of WINTERVILLE 6&7 W 38’ of E 76’. Pursuant to Indiana law the period of redemption runs for 120 days from October 28, 2021. The redemption period shall expire on February 25, 2022. Any person may redeem the tract or item of real property. To redeem the real property in question, an individual must pay the taxes due and owing on said property plus fees, special assessments, accrued taxes, and other costs pursuant to Indiana Code 6-1.1-24-2(b)(3) and (c). If the property is not redeemed by the expiration of the redemption period, then the Commissioners shall file an action for tax deed no later than the 1st day of March 2022, in the Wells Circuit Court. The Commissioners furthermore intend to request an order issuing said tax deed on or about April 15, 2022. The Commissioners will be entitled to a deed for the tract of real estate if it is not redeemed by February 25, 2022. If the property is not redeemed, then the owner of record at the time the tax deed is issued may have a right to a tax sale surplus if any exists. The amount required for redemption is specified in Indiana Code 6-1.1-25-2. If any person wishes to speak to an individual about redeeming this property, contact the Wells County Auditor.

Tax Unit: Bluffton-Harrison

Owner of Record: Trissel, Lucinda E./Smeltzer, K

Sale ID#:902000050

Property ID#: 010-09510-00

Brief Legal Description: WIN-TERVILLE 6 & 7 W 38’ of E 76’ (4K)

Property Address: 706 W. Wiley, Bluffton, Indiana 46714

nb 1/14, 1/21, 1/28
