Saturday, September 28, 2024

‘Snow Days’ — only a memory now

Because I am an old man, snow scares me. Sometimes, I think it is downright evil.

Spotify shouldn’t accept the premises of the cancelers

There have been many unpleasant paid jobs throughout history, from executioner to leech collector to nitpicker. Now,...

Everybody (almost) is getting CRT wrong

In 2020, the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., included so-called whiteness traits in its “Talking About Race”...

The transparency failure is bad; the excuses are worse

The failure of nearly all members of the St. Joseph County Council to turn over emails and...

Approach Indiana tax cut with caution

Indiana is bursting at the seams with cash, so the General Assembly’s first instinct is to give it away.

Be careful of judging others by symbols that can be subjective

The 60-something man behind the counter of the little Army/Navy surplus store stared at me intently from...

Why Biden can’t embrace COVID normality

Joe Biden was the candidate of normality who hasn’t been able to deliver it, particularly on the...

Voters oppose ‘transformative’ policies, want reform of dysfunctional bureaucracies

Do Americans really want transformative change? The evidence accumulates that they don’t. That is...

It’s time to cancel ‘snow days’

“Snow day.” Those were once the two most glorious words ever uttered on an...

Polls show they’re not to be trusted

There are lies, damned lies and public opinion polls. That is my misquoting of a quip often...