The prospects of World War III

Someone at the gym last week asked me what I thought about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and...

Hospitals, insurers must cut prices or be made to

Indiana General Assembly leaders sent a strong, clear message to hospitals and insurers, calling on them to...

The missing element in the debate about guns

The heightened debate over gun violence following the massacre of 19 children and two teachers at Robb...

Indiana facing 125 degree days

 This past month, Indiana was bookended by two “thousand year” floods, coming in St. Louis and eastern...

Giving thanks for those 59 Thanksgivings

Is the glass half empty or half full? In my experience it’s always been...

Reversing Orwell’s ‘1984’

While we were all busy monitoring the General Assembly as it slogged through proposed legislation, the Indiana Supreme Court sneaked a pretty...

Republicans aren’t disappearing — and may even be growing stronger

Reports of the death of the Republican Party continue to be premature.  You’ve heard...

The House GOP Caucus revolt isn’t all bad

Now that it’s settled down to just a low simmer, the revolt by members of the ultra-conservative Freedom Caucus in the U.S....

The system works – but it also needs attention

Back in mid-July, an eye-opening poll came out. It raises some serious questions about Americans’ underlying confidence in our democracy.

Will we let the children lead us?

I started my career teaching special education in the 90s. I taught what was then called, self-contained special education. These classes were...