Emergency powers debate is short-sighted and repetitive

It was like 2021 all over again in the Senate Tuesday. Senators made the same arguments about the emergency...

State push for trails is a smart way to boost the economy

An explosion in the development of recreational trails across Indiana through the state’s $150 million Next Level Trails program holds great promise...

Post-holiday post office woes

“The whole (postal) journey took 10 days. The Pony Express and its horses could have done it in eight days given its standard...

From pre-K to college, education needs boost

Much of what happened in the last Indiana General Assembly doesn’t seem to have benefited teachers or students. Granted,...

What kind of democracy are we when politicians have to fear violence?

Now that the dust has settled on the House speakership fight, both Washington and the media have been eager to move on...

Are we losing the consent of the governed?

“Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” These words of Thomas...

Why does the House Speaker matter, anyway?

It would be a stretch to say that the US government came to a standstill after GOP members of the House unseated...

Why do even popular bills get hung up in Congress?

It’s not hard to imagine that as Congress edged closer and closer to shutting down the US government at the end of...

Talk of school consolidations return at the state level

It’s hard to separate the sentimentality tied to your high school years from a fact-based discussion about school consolidation. But it needs...

Not registered to vote? You have until Oct. 10

It’s no secret that Hoosier participation in elections is among the lowest in the nation and has been declining in comparison to...