Sunday, February 2, 2025

A shocking assault on the Supreme Court

Despite what you might have learned in high school civics, the Supreme Court really only has one...

Beware the control freaks, Mr. Musk

Should I be offended by the fact I never got kicked off Old Twitter?

Biblical scenarios surrounding the despot

INDIANAPOLIS - Are you losing sleep at night as Russian despot Vladimir Putin continues to rattle his...

Don’t weaponize the 14th Amendment

Politics would be a lot simpler if one side could prevent the other from running for office. 

Holcomb vs. Rokita suit reeks of pandemic politics

When Gov. Eric Holcomb sued the legislature last year, he was attempting to show that his office...

Indiana’s ailing public health system spending

Two years ago, the pandemic made what was clear even more obvious. Indiana doesn’t...

Preparing for the primaries

Res ipsa loquitur. That’s a useful Latin phrase meaning, “The thing speaks for itself.”

Hospitals, insurers must cut prices or be made to

Indiana General Assembly leaders sent a strong, clear message to hospitals and insurers, calling on them to...

In defense of Vikings

The world clearly doesn’t have enough Viking movies, so here is “The Northman” to fill the gap.

A Hoosier 4/20 Day like no other

INDIANAPOLIS – When the 2012 gubernatorial debate turned to the topic of marijuana reform, Libertarian nominee Rupert...