Wednesday, September 18, 2024

In memory of ‘Decoration Day’

I don’t recall my parents ever using the term “Memorial Day,” except when referring to the Indianapolis 500-mile race.

The Republican Civil War

That hissing sound heard all over Washington, D.C., recently was the air escaping from the MAGA 2024...

The blame game is our national pastime

Mark Franke Sure, things are bad or at least seem to be worse than any time in recent...

Is this a recession? Maybe it’s a ‘working recession’

Is this a recession? Real gross domestic product has dropped for two straight quarters. Real GDP is our measure of goods and...

Bless the first responders

It was just last week when I announced my intention to embrace the joy of the Christmas season, “wherever I find it,...

Thoughts on a mayor’s arrest

Here’s how it happens. You have a drink with your meal at a favorite...

The United States of Diversity: The Founders and Dobbs

DEI — “diversity, equity and inclusion.” University administrators, corporate human resources facilitators and politicians of a liberal...

Congress tests its own willingness to get things done

Back in mid-January, among people who pay attention to the state of American democracy, perhaps the most widely circulated quote from a...

Consumer financial protection gone awry

The crises of recent years tend to erase from memory those that preceded them. 

How the world really works

 “Get real.” How often this response was heard back in the day when someone, ofttimes yours truly,...