Zanesville News: 09-5-2023

It is a very pleasant day today, for the end of August, as I write my column. Most events...

Zanesville News: 09-06-2022

by Melba Edwards I hope you all had a great Labor Day weekend! I hear remarks that the kids...

Zanesville News: 04-05-2023

It is a little better here at the end of March as I write this column. Upcoming Lions Club...

Zanesville News: 12-11-2023

Is it really December? Where did the year go? There are still lots of happenings going on in the...

Zanesville News: 11-21-2022

The Zanesville Community Church of God’s Coffee Cafe is open to all on weekdays from 7:30 to 10 a.m. Come and enjoy.

Zanesville News: 06-26-2023

Let’s Read It continues at the Zanesville Community Church of God. It was reported to me that they may have a few...

Zanesville News: 02-27-2024

Things are about the same as the Coffee Cafe at the Zanesville Community Church of God is open to all on weekdays...

Zanesville News: 06-20-2022

As I write this column I am very happy to be back in my home that has...

Zanesville News: 01-24-2023

I cannot believe that we are more than halfway through the month of January and I have not had time to get...