Zanesville News: 08-22-2023
As I sit down to write this column, I am overwhelmed with so much I would like to accomplish before the end...
Zanesville News
by Melba Edwards
As I write this column it is now August and fall is coming on. Where do...
Zanesville News: 08-03-2023
The big day is over for another year but the work goes on as paperwork needs to be finished and filed and...
Zanesville turns 175
The community of...
Zanesville will celebrate 175th founding anniversary Saturday
It's called a...
Zanesville News: 07-25-2023
Normal things are still going on in Zanesville. All three churches are open and you are welcome to attend any one of...
Zanesville News: 07-17-2023
We are rushing around getting ready for the big 175th birthday celebration. If you did not get an announcement of the car...
Zanesville News: 07-10-2023
Our new welcome to Zanesville signs are here and ready to be set on all four entries to town.
Zanesville News: 06-26-2023
Let’s Read It continues at the Zanesville Community Church of God. It was reported to me that they may have a few...
Zanesville News
It seems the days go faster and there is much more to do. I have a countdown to July 29 when we...