Each of us has multiple identities. You may be a daughter, sister, wife, mother, even a grandmother. Or perhaps you are a son, brother, husband, father, or grandfather. You are connected to those around you based on the relationship you share.
Beyond the earthly associations, we are also creatures with personal distinctiveness. Character traits, particular interests, spiritual beliefs: these are layers of personalities that distinguish us from other human beings.
During the 1960s and ‘70s, the popular phrase “finding myself” was usually accompanied by a move to escape society’s expectations, either through physical distancing or use of drugs and alcohol.
Today’s population is not very different from earlier generations.
Everywhere we look are confused individuals, uncertain of their own value or identity. Sadly, these people often choose to find a connection with current social, political, educational, or even religious trends in order to find purpose in life. Rather than gazing into the Word of God for absolute Truth, society has chosen to rely on “lived truth.” No longer is any action — good OR bad — measurable by a set of specific laws. Now there is “my truth” and “your truth,” both of which may be correct.
Many who live in a prosperous country such as the United States look pityingly at other nations where primitive, pagan rituals and beliefs guide everyday life. We would never worship an idol! Yet by placing complete faith in the subjective truth of who we claim to be, we simply replace a manmade idol with the god of Self.
Mankind was created by a holy God Who placed His very DNA in our beings (Genesis 1:26, 27). Rather than looking to fallen society or even within ourselves for identity, we should earnestly search God’s Word. The Creator’s goal for us is that we become righteous and holy, modeling our lives after that of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 4:22-24; Colossians 3:10).
God made us (Genesis 1:31), sin spoiled us (Romans 5:12-15), but Christ restores us (Romans 5:1, 2). Only as we put on HIS image will we be confident in who God made us to be.