Unlike any dreaded dental appointment, visiting the optometrist has never caused me concern – until the most recent consultation. When asked the standard, “What brings you in today?”, I explained that I needed a new prescription because my vision seemed to have grown much blurrier than it was two years ago.

After peering through multiple lenses and squinting at fuzzy letters on the wall, the verdict was in: new corrective lenses cannot help because the fuzziness comes from cataracts forming within my eyes. A different prescription will never fix what only surgery can alleviate.

Admittedly, cataracts are not the worst medical condition to face in this 21st-century world of innovation and medical possibilities, but the change from clear vision with bifocals to perpetually cloudy eyesight is not one I enjoy.

As I considered the frustrations, errors, and misunderstandings that have already occurred with my worsening vision, I realized that our spiritual perception is also dependent on adjustment from time to time.

The whole message of God’s Word reminds us that, according to our Creator, we are sinful and need His redemption (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:10; Psalms 53:3). Unfortunately, sin has blinded us to the reality of our spiritual condition (2 Corinthians 4:4) and only the power of the Holy Spirit is able to restore clear vision to us (1 Corinthians 2:10-15).

The familiar Old Testament character of Job shared his transformation from a spirit of resentment, believing that God ignored his suffering, to one of understanding that sin was not a one-time act: it was an inborn attitude of rebellion in which man breaks the relationship covenant and fellowship with his Almighty Creator (Job 9:32-35). By choosing sin over obedience to God, man’s eyes become dull and cloudy until spiritual sight is restored through the cleansing blood of Christ.

Physical cataracts can be tolerated for a period of time, but prolonged, often intentional, spiritual darkness is sure to impact us eternally. Maybe it’s time for a visit to your heavenly Physician. His solution to limited discernment is the application of His Truth to the heart, restoring perfect acuity to His obedient children.
