Southern Wells Com Schools

2022 Annual Performance Report

Southern Wells Com Schools, Poneto 8425

Corporation Results State

Indicator ‘18-’19 ‘19-’20 ‘20-’21 ‘21-’22 Total

A-F Accountability Grade B B N/A N/A

Student Enrollment 862 868 830 845 1,120,125

Non-Waiver Grad Rate 92.5 92.3 95.7 89.6 83.95

Percentage of Career and Technical 9.2 32.0 20.9 19.4 12.2


Number of Certified Teachers 59 57 56 55 76,712

Teacher Salary Range – Minimum $25,504 $35,000 $36,000 $36,304 $24,101

Teacher Salary Range – Maximum $66,692 $66,967 $69,367 $72,146 $89,945

Number of Students in Special Education 109 112 114 122 182,581

Percent of Students in Special Education 12.7 12.9 13.7 14.4 17.0

Number of Students in Gifted and Talented 75 69 65 60 126,728


Percent of Students in Gifted and Talented 8.7 8.2 7.8 7.1 12.6


Number of Students Receiving Free or 337 331 324 317 476,951

Reduced Lunches

Percent of Students Receiving Free or 39.1 38.1 39.0 37.5 43.2

Reduced Price Lunches

Number of Limited English Proficiency 7 8 6 11 77,556


Percent of Limited English Proficiency 0.8 0.9 0.7 1.3 6.9


Percent of Students in Foster Care 1.28 0.9 0.8 1.3 1.0

Number of Students in Career and 209 198 222 228 223,433

Technical Program

Percentage of Students in Career and 24.2 22.8 26.7 27.0 42.3

Technical Program

Intra District Mobilty 0 0 0 0 0

Inter District Mobility 6.9 4.8 6.6 7 0

Graduation Rate 97.0 96.2 95.7 93.5 89.48

Number of Incidents of Restraint 0 1 0 0 7,179

Number of Incidents of Restriant Involving 0 0 0 0 413

a School Resource Officer

Number of Incidents of Seclusion 0 0 0 0 6,658

Number of Incidents of Seclusion Involving 0 0 0 0 220

a School Resource Officer

Corporation Goals for Expenditure Categories in Indiana Code 20-42.5-3-5

Southern Wells Elementary School, Poneto 9057

School Results State

Indicator ‘18-’19 ‘19-’20 ‘20-’21 ‘21-’22 Total

A-F Accountability Grade C C N/A N/A

Student Enrollment 459 466 423 456 1,120,125

Number of Certified Teachers 29 28 27 28 76,712

Percentage of Students Passing IREAD 96.5 N/A 93.9 92.1 80.3

* Grade 3 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 64.3 N/A 51.5 59.4 51.9

Math Standard

* Grade 3 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 44.6 N/A 37.9 45.3 40.7

Language Arts Standard

* Grade 4 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 59.1 N/A 44.3 42.5 47.5

Math Standard

* Grade 4 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 47.0 N/A 36.1 38.4 41.1

Language Arts Standard

* Grade 4 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 59.1 N/A 45.9 43.8 38.4

Science Standard

* Grade 5 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 58.8 N/A 45.1 48.4 40.9

Math Standard

* Grade 5 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 54.4 N/A 39.2 37.5 41.0

Language Arts Standard

* Grade 5 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 57.4 N/A 39.2 37.5 38.4

Social Science Standard

* Grade 6 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 46.5 N/A 42.4 42.6 35.6

Math Standard

* Grade 6 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 53.5 N/A 41.5 39.3 39.0

Language Arts Standard

* Grade 6 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 53.5 N/A 40.9 42.6 38.9

Science Standard

Pupil Enrollment to Certified Employee 14.3 14.5 14 15.7 16.2


Attendance Rate 97.4 97.0 97.0 96.4 92.9

Number of Students with More Than 10 0 0 9 14 169,811

Unexcused Days Absent

Number of Students absent greater than 4 4 23 22 209932

10% of School Year

Number of Students Suspended 11 20 14 16 97,972

Number of Out of School Suspensions 3 5 5 4 70,183

Number of In School Suspensions 8 17 11 16 46,233

Number of Bullying Incidents 0 0 0 2 5,103

* In 2014-15 Indiana transitioned to new, more rigorous college-and-career ready standards and a new statewide assessment to measure these standards. Therefore, results are not comparable to previous data.

Southern Wells Jr-Sr High School, Poneto 9058

School Results State

Indicator ‘18-’19 ‘19-’20 ‘20-’21 ‘21-’22 Total

A-F Accountability Grade B B N/A N/A

Student Enrollment 403 402 407 389 1,120,125

Non-Waiver Grad Rate 92.54 92.31 95.71 89.61 83.95

College and Career Readiness Rate 70.8 N/A N/A N/A

Number of Certified Teachers 31 30 29 29 76,712

Number of Students in Career and 209 198 222 228 223,433

Technical Program

Percentage of Students in Career and 0 0 54.5 58.6 42.3

Technical Program

Grade 11 Percent Meeting SAT Evidence- N/A N/A N/A 58.5 47.0

Based Reading and Writing Benchmark

Grade 11 Percent Meeting SAT N/A N/A N/A 28.3 26.7

Mathematics Benchmark

* Grade 7 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 45.1 N/A 39.7 38.8 31.9

Math Standard

* Grade 7 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 45.1 N/A 50.7 52.2 42.4

Language Arts Standard

* Grade 8 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 37.1 N/A 25.0 42.0 29.8

Math Standard

* Grade 8 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ ILEARN 62.9 N/A 54.7 63.8 43.1

Language Arts Standard

* Grade 10 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ 37.1 N/A 27.3 N/A N/A

ILEARN Math Standard

* Grade 10 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ 67.1 N/A 52.1 N/A N/A

ILEARN Language Arts Standard

* Grade 10 Percent Passing ISTEP+/ 0 N/A 20.0 29.0 30.0

ILEARN Science Standard

Percent of Graduates Granted Waivers 4.6 4.00 0.0 4.2 7.0

SAT Average Score for Graduating Class 972 0 1080 1073 1358

Percent of graduates receiving Academic 0 0 41.8 40.3 38.7

Honors Diploma

Number of graduates receiving Core 40 64 44 64 70 66308


Percent of 12th Graders Taking SAT 32.3  16.9 13.0 28.4

Percent Core 40 with Honors Diploma 27.7 38.0 41.8 40.3 38.7

Percent Core 40 Diploma 98.5 88.0 95.5 97.2 90.6

Pupil Enrollment to Certified Employee 12.2 12.5 13.5 12.9 16.2


Graduation Rate 97.0 96.2 95.7 93.5 89.48

Attendance Rate 96.4 96.1 96.2 95.4 92.9

Number of Students with More Than 10 5 6 14 15 169,811

Unexcused Days Absent

Number of Students absent greater than 17 16 27 38 209932

10% of School Year

Number of Students Retained in the 9th 0 0 0 0 46


Number of Students Who Have Dropped 2 1 2 4 6,481


Number of Students Suspended 52 30 30 52 97,0972

Number of Students Expelled 3 4 2 1 2,551

Number of Students Expelled or Suspended 2 3 1  

involving Drugs, Weapons, or Alcohol

Number of Out of School Suspensions 30 13 9 26 70,183

Number of In School Suspensions 32 21 24 36 46,233

Number of Bullying Incidents 0 0 10  * In 2014-15 Indiana transitioned to new, more rigorous college-and-career ready standards and a new statewide assessment to measure these standards. Therefore, results are not comparable to previous data.

Southern Wells Com Schools, Poneto 8425


In accordance with I.C. 20-42.5-3-5, Southern Wells Community Schools shall strive to increase the current percentages between the expenditures for the student instructional categories and other expenditure categories for the next fiscal year by identifying efficiencies in all expenditure categories. Strategies for implementing the goal:

1. The school district shall work to increase efficiencies through participation in joint purchasing either through the Region 8 Education Service Center or the State of Indiana.

2. The school district currently participates in joint ventures with other school districts for special education and career-technical education services and will pursue increased opportunities for joint ventures.

3. Southern Wells will explore strategies to reduce non-operational expenditures.

2022 School Corporation Annual Performance Report (APR)

General Explanations

The APR is a report on the performance of schools and school corporations (districts) in your area. The goal is to provide information regarding the progress schools are making to help students become college and career ready. Where possible, this report contains three years of data to show trends – not just this year’s results. In addition, the state average is also shown for comparison purposes. There are additional indicators that are available on the Indiana Department of Education’s website (, including data broken out by different student populations, such as race, gender, income level, and special education.

Indiana educators and citizens have developed higher academic standards for all students. These standards are necessary to prepare Hoosier students to be successful in life, whether their next steps are enrollment, employment, or enlistment leading to service. For high schools, you will see graduation rates and the percentage of graduates who plan to pursue a credential or certification beyond their high school diploma.

Other important data are provided, such as average attendance rates and indicators of school safety, including expulsions and suspensions. Additional financial information is also provided, including how much is spent, on average, for each student; how much teachers are paid; and the percentage of corporation students who are in special education classes or gifted and talented classes.

Definitions (in the order found on the report)

Corporation Level & General School Data

A-F Accountability Grade Grade calculated by the IDOE per 511 IAC 6.2-6 and officially

assigned by the State Board of Education. For 2018-19, Schools and Corporations were assigned the better of their 2017-18

grade or the 2018-19 calculated grade. Grade have not been assigned since 18-19 due to COVID-19.

Student Enrollment Number of students enrolled on October 1 of the school year. Note: Counts for Membership funding purposes are taken on a different day and may differ.

Non-Waiver Grad Rate For 2021-22, the percentage of students who entered Grade 9 in Fall 2019 and graduated in four years or less without a waiver

College and Career Readiness Rate The percentage of four year graduates who passed Advanced

Placement test, passed an International Baccalaureate test, 

received 3 hours of Dual Credit, or received an Industry 

Certification. Note: These data have not been calcuated as 

part of the suspension of A-F Grades.

Career and Technical Diplomas Core 40 with Technical Honors Diplomas

Certified Teachers Teachers certified to teach as reported by School Corporation (includes guidance counselors and other non-Administrator staff)

Teacher Salary Range Salary range is calculated by reviewing the salaries for teachers as provided by the School Corporation. Teachers must be 

reported at 100% for 180-195 days

Students in Special Education Students (including non-public Students) who are receiving 

special education services

Students in Gifted and Talented Percentage of students enrolled in gifted and talented education

Education programs as defined locally

Percent of Instruction Delivered Through Percentage of total instructional hours delivered through

Career and Technical Education vocational education classes

Students Receiving Free or Reduced Students who receive free or reduced price lunches due to

Price Lunches family income level

Limited English Proficiency Students Students whose inability to communicate English prevents them from participating fully in a standard educational program

Foster Care Students Students who are foster care students

Alternative Education Students enrolled and receiving instruction for at least 10 days in an approved alternative education program

Intra District Mobility Percentage of students who moved from one school to another in the same school corporation

Inter District Mobility Percentage of student who moved from one school to another in a different school corporation

Pupil Enrollment to Certified Employee Number of Students per Certified Employees as reported by the

Ratio School Corporation

Attendance Rate Average attendance rate for students

High School Data

ISTEP+ Previous Grade 10 exam for high school graduation. Pass rates 

for Grade 10 ISTEP are for first time attempts only. This was last

administered in 20-21.

Grade 11 SAT Current high school assessment administered to all Grade 11 

students. Student who meet benchmark are considered 


Career and Technical Programs Programs administered through the Department of Workforce Development that often result in an Industry Certification

International Baccalaureate Program of Study offered by some authorized schools that may result in a student receiving a specialized diploma called an International Baccalaureate Diploma. More information can be found at

Core 40 Basic High school graduation requirements

Core 40 with Honors diploma Either Core 40 with Academic Honors or Core 40 with 

Technical Honors

Graduation Rate For 2021-22, the percentage of students who entered Grade 9 in Fall 2019 and graduated in four years or less.

Elementary/Middle School Data

ILEARN Grade specific exam given to all students. All students in Grades 3-8 are tested annually in Math and English/Language Arts. 

Students in grades 4 and 6 are also tested in Science. Students in grades 5 are also tested in Social Studies.

IREAD Exam given to all students in grade 3 to test reading proficiency.


If you have any questions about this information, you should contact your local school corporation or contact the Department of Education at 317-232-6610 or by e-mail at

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