A tack sale fundraiser will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. May 1, at Salamonie Lake’s Horseman’s Campground, located in Lost Bridge West SRA.
The public fundraiser will support Salamonie’s Horseman’s Campground electric project, “Power the Camp.”
Anyone interested in participating may set up as many tables as they choose. Cost is $10 per sale table. Lunch will be available for a freewill donation at the Horsemen’s Campground Day Ride Pavilion.
New Salamonie Lake equestrian shirts will be available to help fund “Power the Camp.” Shirts will be available for purchase during Tack Sale times.
Pre-registration is encouraged. Reserve a vendor space by emailing “mailto:powerthecamp@gmail.com” powerthecamp@gmail.com
The park entrance fee at Salamonie Lake will be waived for “Visit Indiana Day.”