Wells County, Indiana

Cash & Investments Combined Statement – 2024

Beg Cash End Cash

Local Local Fund & Inv Bal & Inv Bal

Fund Name Jan. 1, 2024 Receipts Disbursements Dec. 31, 2024

Governmental Activities

0001 After Settlement Collections $747,292.00 $918,876.62 $746,892.00 $919,276.62

0002 Sheriff’’s Inmate Trust $11,258.82 $211,480.81 $205,090.83 $17,648.80
0003 Jail Commissary $53,706.01 $104,366.32 $76,543.03 $81,529.30
0006 Clerk”s Trust $268,760.98 $2,306,501.85 $2,354,834.46 $220,428.37
0010 Innkeepers Tax Collection $13,125.87 $122,201.00 $118,819.22 $16,507.65

1000 General $2,785,184.21 $12,474,036.50 $12,506,253.31 $2,752,967.40

1101 Accident Report $15,853.30 $3,422.10 $5,409.59 $13,865.81
1111 Campaign Finance Fund $225.00 $0.00 $0.00 $225.00
1112 LIT – Economic Development $2,134,473.88 $1,509,883.98 $813,720.34 $2,830,637.52
1116 City/Town Court Cost $55,705.22 $4,718.02 $0.00 $60,423.24
1119 Clerk’s Records Perpetuation $50,970.89 $15,996.82 $50,145.53 $16,822.18
1122 Comm Correction Project $110,682.53 $116,874.60 $166,011.19 $61,545.94

1123 Community Transition Program $0.00 $8,325.00 $7,025.00 $1,300.00
1131 Sales Disclosure Fee – County $29,595.59 $7,260.00 $398.72 $36,456.87
1135 Cumulative Bridge $1,581,044.18 $591,363.37 $499,067.80 $1,673,339.75

1138 Cumulative Capital $1,054,148.18 $787,696.07 $326,500.00 $1,515,344.25


1148 Drug Free Community $19,784.86 $20,282.21 $19,333.21 $20,733.86
1152 Emergency Plan/Right to Know $26,198.48 $4,458.34 $4,267.32 $26,389.50

1154 Enhanced Access $32.55 $771.90 $0.00 $804.45

1155 Extradition & Sheriff’s Assist $14,643.27 $2,700.61 $2,293.46 $15,050.42

1156 Firearms Training Fund $17,154.15 $18,115.00 $22,715.82 $12,553.33
1158 GDI $649,021.96 $23,055.16 $0.00 $672,077.12
1159 Health $518,465.86 $245,837.79 $306,744.39 $457,559.26
1160 Identification Security Protect $4,532.19 $4,241.00 $3,000.00 $5,773.19
1161 Local Public Health Services F $0.00 $51,777.15 $43,990.22 $7,786.93

1167 Levy Excess $2,364.00 $0.00 $2,364.00 $0.00

1168 Local Health Maintenance $121,088.52 $0.00 $25,692.24 $95,396.28
1169 Local Road & St $440,716.07 $553,226.57 $787,216.21 $206,726.43
1170 LIT Public Safety- Co Share $520,751.56 $895,203.24 $667,988.35 $747,966.45
1173 MVH Restricted $177,166.73 $1,852,938.64 $1,927,464.56 $102,640.81

1174 Medical Care for Inmates $46,813.73 $5,723.17 $0.00 $52,536.90
1175 Misdemeanant $9,357.30 $17,441.08 $17,103.00 $9,695.38
1176 Highway $2,489,534.47 $2,427,376.94 $2,190,875.22 $2,726,036.19
1181 Plat Book $52,067.57 $15,780.00 $9,101.47 $58,746.10
1186 Rainy Day $1,462,180.11 $500,000.00 $0.00 $1,962,180.11
1189 Recorder’s Perpetuation Fund $301,588.87 $87,969.82 $100,028.31 $289,530.38
1192 Sex/Violent Offender Admin $14,588.55 $3,708.00 $1,168.48 $17,128.07

1200 Supp Public Def Services $48,578.04 $6,115.58 $11,024.43 $43,669.19
1201 Surplus Tax $43,367.49 $52,629.36 $26,903.69 $69,093.16
1202 Surveyor’s Corner Perpetuation $154,809.79 $22,005.00 $11,800.00 $165,014.79
1204 Tax Sale Redemption $9,857.89 $20,611.02 $20,501.36 $9,967.55

1205 Tax Sale Surplus $137,782.56 $58,465.44 $135,466.18 $60,781.82
1206 Local Health Dept Trust Accnt $94,538.73 $0.00 $5,811.81 $88,726.92
1208 Vehicle Inspection $5,014.90 $1,220.00 $0.00 $6,234.90
1216 Auditors Ineligible Deductions $26,115.57 $0.00 $266.59 $25,848.98
1217 County Elected Official Train $9,739.37 $4,261.41 $4,029.47 $9,971.31

1220 County Offender Transportation $2,107.68 $5,249.38 $0.00 $7,357.06
1222 Statewide 9-1-1 $248,171.24 $471,491.19 $565,540.74 $154,121.69

1223 Abandoned Vehicle $561.73 $0.00 $0.00 $561.73
1224 Reassessment $170,549.19 $309,874.46 $267,456.21 $212,967.44
1228 Property Tax Assessment $150.00 $0.00 $0.00 $150.00

1229 LOIT Special Distribution $163,630.40 $0.00 $0.00 $163,630.40
1233 LIT – Correcton/Rehab Facility $532,659.20 $712,462.00 $340,862.50 $904,258.70

1235 LIT-Dedicated to PSAP $0.00 $439,024.92 $298,534.11 $140,490.81

1236 LIT – Dedicated to EMS $0.00 $351,220.00 $320,000.00 $31,220.00

1237 Opioid Restricted Fund $97,968.02 $121,011.05 $0.00 $218,979.07

1238 Opioid Unrestricted Fund $38,355.69 $47,274.62 $0.00 $85,630.31

2101 Supp Adult Probation Srvc $312,531.75 $86,762.67 $71,875.29 $327,419.13
2150 Sup Juvenile Probation Servc $35,699.75 $2,244.61 $4,668.59 $33,275.77
2501 Sheriff-Law Enforce Cont Ed $185,287.81 $35,864.60 $7,269.54 $213,882.87

2700 Drainage Maint $1,596,049.81 $688,076.74 $438,788.61 $1,845,337.94
4012 K-9 $3,479.92 $1,156.98 $0.00 $4,636.90
4101 Sheriff’s Donation $691.78 $0.00 $31.98 $659.80

4601 Jail Bond $91,443.25 $0.00 $45,943.00 $45,500.25

4904 Substance/Indigent Fund $2,610.03 $0.00 $0.00 $2,610.03
4905 County Highway Garage Fund $1,536,452.60 $45,142.49 $821,141.52 $760,453.57
4906 SR 301 Road Transfer Fund $2,763,240.77 $12,894.80 $1,662,328.23 $1,113,807.34

4907 HRA Fund $444,733.08 $100,000.00 $147,971.83 $396,761.25

4909 Body Camera Recording Fee $750.00 $150.00 $0.00 $900.00


4910 Electronic Map Generation $1,596.00 $1,061.00 $0.00 $2,657.00


4911 Highway Donation Fund $6,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $6,000.00

5150 United Way $0.00 $606.00 $606.00 $0.00
5201 Health Insurance Pre Tax $29,557.17 $372,498.53 $372,468.60 $29,587.10

5353 Federal Withholding $0.00 $574,858.16 $574,858.16 $0.00
5354 FICA & Medicare $46.85 $556,194.80 $556,194.80 $46.85
5356 County Withholding $0.00 $146,136.68 $146,136.68 $0.00
5359 Indiana Sheriffs 401(K)Roth $0.00 $4,290.00 $4,290.00 $0.00
5361 State Withholding $0.00 $223,914.50 $223,914.50 $0.00
5501 Sheriff Retirement $15,618.09 $57,982.98 $54,400.45 $19,200.62
5901 Garnishee – Child Support $0.00 $7,888.00 $7,888.00 $0.00

5909 Hoosier S.T.A.R.T. $0.00 $36,271.94 $36,271.94 $0.00

5930 PERF $0.00 $225,466.40 $225,466.40 $0.00

5940 Garnishee – Other County $0.00 $1,117.79 $1,117.79 $0.00

6000 Settlement $0.00 $37,957,297.86 $37,957,297.86 $0.00
6004 LIT Prop tax Oper Levies Repla $0.10 $3,512,198.04 $3,112,356.00 $399,842.14
6006 LIT Stabilization $2,747,710.00 $559,011.00 $0.00 $3,306,721.00
6021 Wheel Tax $173.74 $50,339.76 $50,279.97 $233.53
6022 Surtax $0.00 $376,056.96 $376,056.96 $0.00
6023 CVET Agency $0.00 $352,328.00 $352,328.00 $0.00
6051 Financial Institution Tax $0.00 $282,453.21 $282,453.21 $0.00
6052 BPPE Local Service Fee $1.65 $3.35 $0.00 $5.00
6203 LIT – Property Tax Relief $321,381.55 $1,550,700.00 $1,519,129.56 $352,951.99
7101 State Fines & Forfeitures $43.50 $2,671.00 $2,372.00 $342.50
7102 Infraction Judgements $4,513.50 $26,058.50 $24,002.50 $6,569.50
7104 Special Death Benefit $280.00 $1,575.00 $1,595.00 $260.00
7105 Sales Disclosure- State Share $1,340.00 $7,260.00 $6,520.00 $2,080.00

7106 Coroners Training & Cont Ed 1,545.00 $2,440.00 $3,302.50 $682.50

7107 Interstate Compact Fees $62.50 $250.00 $250.00 $62.50

7108 Mortgage Recording Fee State $430.00 $2,557.50 $2,245.00 $742.50

7111 Sex/Violent Offender State $65.50 $412.00 $374.00 $103.50
7113 Child Restraint Violations Fin $75.00 $350.00 $325.00 $100.00
7115 Forest Restoration Fund $506.25 $578.56 $1,084.81 $0.00

7301 Education Plate Fee $0.00 $281.25 $281.25 $0.00
7303 Riverboat Revenue Sharing $0.00 $161,385.01 $161,385.01 $0.00

7304 Innkeepers Tax Collections $38,060.81 $89,560.31 $90,000.00 $37,621.12

7330 LIT Certified Shares $0.88 $10,178,020.96 $10,178,021.84 $0.00
7331 LIT Public Safety $0.00 $1,526,703.08 $1,526,703.08 $0.00
7332 LIT Economic Development (EDIT $0.00 $2,544,506.00 $2,544,506.00 $0.00
8100 20.509 Public Transit Fed Grnt $0.00 $654,836.00 $654,836.00 $0.00

8103 93.507 Accreditation Grant $26,775.99 $0.00 $0.00 $26,775.99

8114 20.509 Capital Public Transit $0.00 $661,128.00 $661,128.00 $0.00

8115 20.205 Bridge 106 $24,263.60 $326,216.43 $304,597.46 $45,882.57
8119 20.205 County Home Rd – $3,958.14 $687,989.11 $424,983.71 $266,963.54


8122 20.205 Bridge #51 on CR 300W $18,707.49 $252,750.78 $254,511.24 $16,947.03

8124 20.205 Bridge 71 Rock Creek $5,342.10 $41,496.00 $56,565.00 $-9,726.90

8125 20.205 CR 200S Adams to Clark $40,584.29 $90,091.20 $96,512.91 $34,162.58

8126 20.205 CR 200S Clark to SR1 $11,048.77 $60,640.99 $61,448.27 $10,241.49

8127 93.268 Immunization Coop $0.00 $15,869.62 $25,526.76 $-9,657.14


8128 90.404 HAVA Election Security $0.00 $25,894.89 $25,894.89 $0.00

8129 20.205 Bridge 105 Coordination $0.00 $32,967.97 $69,389.29 $-36,421.32

8131 Bulletproof Vest Partnership $0.00 $5,958.02 $0.00 $5,958.02

8895 93.563 County IV-D Incentive $52,026.32 $14,573.00 $0.00 $66,599.32

8897 93.563 Pros IV-D Incentive $95,504.61 $21,929.00 $59,797.73 $57,635.88
8899 93.563 Clerk Incentive IV-D $30,384.74 $14,573.00 $6,038.70 $38,919.04

8950 ARP Coronavirus Local $800,839.00 $0.00 $800,839.00 $0.00

Fiscal R

8952 Local Assistance and $100,000.00 $0.00 $0.00 $100,000.00

Tribal Co

9103 ALCO Senor Grant $85.00 $0.00 $0.00 $85.00
9105 Community Corrections $5,549.04 $0.00 $24.75 $5,524.29

Grant I

9106 Community Corrections $12,165.25 $210,491.75 $221,211.75 $1,445.25

Grant II

9107 Court Interpreter Grant $297.48 $0.00 $0.00 $297.48

9112 2019 Court Interpreter Grant $0.00 $4,763.43 $4,472.18 $291.25

9115 Wells County CASA Grant $13,937.53 $32,313.65 $33,990.84 $12,260.34

9118 Local Trax Grant 20.205 $17,025.28 $984,800.00 $312,690.22 $689,135.06

9123 CCMG 2023-01 BR170 & $575,848.40 $0.00 $565,567.92 $10,280.48


9124 CCMG 2023-02 450E Phase II $0.00 $555,586.35 $527,408.43 $28,177.92

Total All Funds $29,560,356.62 $95,596,971.32 $94,780,190.88 $30,377,137.06

oj, nb 2/20
