Recycling Center Superintendent Kevin Poling reported nearly 300 tons of material have come through the facility this year.
In a report to the Solid Waste Management District, the board that oversees the Recycling Center, Poling said he’s logged nearly 16,000 vehicles bringing materials. This total included 182 tons of cardboard, 53 tons of paper, 35 tons of glass and 10 tons of metal, among other materials.
The department has prevented even more materials from going to waste through dedicated collection days for hazardous materials and paper shredding. “I think it’s impressive that, combined, that’s 295 tons of material diverted from landfills, processed and sorted by us to the appropriate recycling vendors,” Poling noted.
Poling added that those materials yielded $6,300 in income and $16,000 in credits.
During their meeting on Monday, the board also approved Auditor Lisa McCormick’s making year-end transfers as needed and renewed the 2025 salary contract.
Board members Jeff Stringer, Blake Gerber, Vicki Andrews, Scott Mentzer and Stephanie Tucker were present Monday; Mike Vanover and John Whicker were absent.