Pictured from left are Parker McCartney, YAR Board Member Otto Fiechter, YAR Board Member Naomi Dailey, and YAR Coordinator Courtney Ginter. (Photo submitted)

Eagle Scouts Troop 149, Parker McCartney, was recently awarded with a $500 Youth As Resources grant to carry out their project entitled “Pool Shed.”  This project helped the Wells County Community Pool by providing a proper place to store its pool chemicals as the old pool shed was severely worn down. Throughout the process, the troop learned how to keep a budget, build an entire structure from the ground up, and how to adapt when things don’t go as they planned. 

YAR is a program that recognizes youth as a valuable community resource. The program is governed by a youth/adult partnership responsible for awarding grants up to $500 to other local youth organizations to design and carry out community service projects. To receive a grant proposal, contact Courtney Ginter at Family Centered Services (260-824-8574 or WellsYAR@yahoo.com) or visit www.fcs-inc.net.