With the court cases of well-known personalities in the news recently, I experienced a much less dramatic day learning valuable lessons as a first-time jury duty summons respondant.

With few exceptions, American citizens are expected to answer this call to service at some point. Highlighted in bold text were the words serious legal consequences and Contempt of Court, should I choose to ignore the official summons. Entering the Courthouse itself impresses the seriousness of the event as bags are searched and full body scans are required before proceeding to your destination.

The court bailiff organized and educated the group of potential jurors before the selection questioning began, and then continued to assist the judge during the hours in the courtroom.

Two lawyers — one, the Prosecutor and the other representing the defendant — asked multiple questions before deciding to approve or remove potential jurors from the pool of community members.

A court recorder took notes of all that was said for later reference, the defendant watched from a chair next to his lawyer, and the judge presided over the entire event after clarifying  the process to those of us unfamiliar with the court system.

Did you realize that God provides both security and a specific process to begin a relationship with Jesus and to enter heaven upon our death? Not everyone will be allowed into heaven — only those who meet God’s requirements by accepting salvation through the death of Jesus (John 3:16; Romans 10:9).

The Holy Spirit works as a heavenly bailiff, serving both the purposes of the Judge and assisting in the believer’s successful walk of faith.

The prosecutor could be imagined to represent the accuser of our souls — Satan, who points to our failures and condemns us — while the defending lawyer is Christ, Himself, answering each condemnation with the Truth of His own sacrifice (Romans 8:34).

Earthly juries may deem us accountable for crimes based upon evidence presented by Satan, but believers can rest assured in the holiness and justice of God’s ultimate plan for those who accept His Son. Be certain that YOUR outcome in His courtroom is decided before you arrive!
