Today is a beautiful spring day and it reminds us that it will soon be May and time for the East Union Center Alumni Banquet.

Before I tell you about this gathering I want to let you read about what was happening 30 years ago in May:

In 1994 the alumni was meeting at the 4-H building in Bluffton and during this meeting the officers were checking on refurbishing the war memorial on the Union Center School grounds on State Road 303. The theme of the evening was”Good Ole’ Days”.

They did refurbish the brick memorial and I am getting ready to take another display of all the servicemen of East Union to the Historical Museum in Bluffton.

Now you need to mark your calendars and get your reservations into Beverly Baker Perry by Thursday, April 25.

I am just reading my invite and I just now see that my class of 1954 along with 1964 are to be honored this year. If you didn’t get an invitation or you just want to be a part of the celebration, or because you have ties to the school, you can call Beverly at 765-499-9884.

Here is the information. Hope to see you there.

Our alumni will be May 4. It will be at Lighted Gardens on State Road 1 north of Ossian. We are going to be in the Garden Room. It is the front room of the restaurant. It’s the smaller of the two dining rooms. Go in the front door to get there. Our dinner will be served at 5 p.m., and doors will open at 4:30 p.m.

We will not have music playing during our meal. Our menu will be braised swiss steak, whipped potatoes, corn, dinner rolls, carrot or chocolate sheet cake, hot or cold drinks.

We have had a donation put in our alumni funds, so we are going to give you a reduction in the cost of our meal. The cost will be $13 per meal. This is $2 less than we charged last year. We have not been able to do this before!

Our entertainment will be provided by Joe Welches. He is quite an accomplished singer. He has been active in music both in churches and musicals. He graduated from Norwell. We hope you enjoy his talent!