A well-known song from the 1960s extolled the virtue of everyone living their life MY WAY. Despite possible misunderstandings, the singer crooned that he had few regrets about living “his way” even though he admitted to making some mistakes. He believed that independently forging a path through life brought him the most satisfaction.
Not everyone is confident enough to do things “our way” — especially when God places His call to obedient service on our hearts. We may feel uncertain, unqualified, or simply terrified to attempt something completely new.
“When I pay this bill, I’ll be able to…”
“After the kids are grown, we’ll…”
“If I had more ________ (insert word here — time, money, energy, interest, etc.) I could…”
Exodus 3-4 tells the story of God presenting a life-changing mission to Moses through a burning bush. Moses approached the unique shrub with curiosity, obediently keeping a safe distance from the unusual sight (Exodus 3:5). But that is where the future leader of the Israelites showed us what NOT to do after receiving a heavenly mission: he began to question God’s plan.
“Who am I to approach Pharaoh? (Exodus 3:11)”
“Whom should I say has sent me? (Exodus 3:13)”
“What if they don’t believe me? (Exodus 4:1)”
“How can these stumbling lips adequately and eloquently speak for God? (Exodus 4:10)”
Finally, there came an outright refusal: “Send someone else. (Exodus 4:13)”
God answered each question and excuse by reminding Moses to use the resources he already had to prove the power and authority of his message (Exodus 4:2, 6).
While we serve a God of infinite power, He may require that we use the abilities and gifts He has given to us. He occasionally pairs us with someone who supports our mission, as He did by allowing Moses to work with his brother (Exodus 4:14), or we may be given a solitary task to complete. No matter the mission, God equips His people with all they require (Hebrews 13:21).
As God places His mission in your heart, His infinite provisions will meet every need — just don’t be surprised if those miraculous supplies are already closer than you imagine.