Come on over to the Zanesville Community Church of God and join in on the group that attend the Coffee Cafe on weekdays from 7:30 to 10 a.m. All area residents are welcome to come and get acquainted. The church is on the corner of Marzane/Indianapolis Road and 1200N/South County Line.

The Zanesville Town Council will meet at the Municipal Building at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Jan. 16. Everyone is invited to attend this monthly meeting of the town council.

The Zanesville Lions apple dumplings are available at the County Line Pizza and Pub downtown during open hours. You may also call me at 638-4327 for local deliveries. The dumplings are fully cooked and come with caramel sauce. They are frozen and you can warm up in the microwave. The price is $3 each.

Our 1976 Zanesville History Book is also available. It is $20 which is the price of the printing. Call me if you would like to buy one.

At the December Town Council meeting, the council members were invited to the Jan. 8 Lions Club meeting at the clubhouse for supper and to exchange ideas on how to work together on more ideas for the betterment of Zanesville and this area. Those attending were handed out several papers of importance.

Those present for the evening were Town Board members president Isaac Zent and John Schuhmacher, vice president Barb O’Connor did not attend. Members present were Larry Herron, Steve Keesler, Robin Phillips, Charles and Melanie Martin, and Melba Edwards.

The evening ended with the Town Board president agreeing with the town helping out with lots of activities whenever possible.

By the way, the four 175 Year Town of Zanesville signs are all up but one that is waiting for a site. Thanks to Issac, his boys and John for getting these placed.

Guests at our meeting were Lion Roger Cash, of Ossian who has and does hold many offices in Lions and is a great help always to our club, and John’s wife Eileen who comes to meetings with him and shares him when we need help and repairs. Our repair person Larry sometimes needs another hand.