Ah, the joys of social media, allowing us to connect with loved ones while bringing unwanted attention from businesses, legitimate and otherwise. How easily we send “thoughts and prayers” at the click of an icon without further thought or personal interaction of any kind.
The amazing reality of the Internet is that today’s churches are able to present the Gospel through Scripture-based apps, Biblical teaching, and online access to a variety of Bible translations. Christians are offered unlimited, unique opportunities to share the claims of the Creator on the lives of His creatures, all without human connection.
A wise man once cautioned that there are two Bibles read by this world: the actual Word of God and the everyday life of the believer. While people with whom we interact on a daily basis may never crack open the written Word to read God’s message of love, they can observe the words, actions, and attitudes of Christians nearby who profess to follow Jesus.
Although God’s people occasionally believe that sharing a thought-provoking meme, Scripture verse, or meaningful song is the end of their responsibility towards the lost, Christianity includes both internal and external professions of faith.
Hebrews 10:24, 25 exhorts believers to continue meeting together regularly for encouragement, teaching, and support. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17 explains that regular study of God’s Word equips us for good works while James 1:19-27 reminds us that simply reading or hearing God’s Word without application is like seeing our reflection in a mirror, then promptly forgetting what we observed. The life of faith includes both knowing and being.
Jesus — fully man, fully God — not only spoke to His Father alone but also interacted with the community around Him. He attended services in the local synagogue, occasionally stepping forward to explain the Scriptures more fully. Today’s Christians should not only attend a regular gathering of fellow believers in order to be strengthened and energized for action, but also BE the church in their communities each day.
GO to church or BE the church? The family of God is called to do both.