Volunteers worked Saturday at Ouabache State Park to ready the state park for its annual “Wonderland of Lights”. Above, the gatehouse was being outlined with lights by Lee and Phyllis Dettmer. Below, Jeannette Johnson and Jenni Klaus hung lights on one of the smaller trees. This is the site where visitors will be able to watch a light show on the tower synchronized to music each evening from Dec. 1-31. (Photos by Barabara Barbieri)

A crew of volunteers were stringing lights along the edge of the roof at the Boathouse by Kunkel Lake at Ouabache State Park on Saturday morning in preparation for the coming Wonderland of Lights. The workers included member of the Three Oaks group and a couple of campers at the park who decided to get in on the action. (Photos by Barbara Barbieri)
Lights at Ouabache State Park’s entrance will be lit, thanks to the work of Kevin Todd and daughters Willow, at left, and Rylee, at right. After learning about the work day at a school outing, Rylee enlisted her dad and sister to a part of the work crew. At right is Ouabache’s property manager Jon Winne checking out a light strand.