Most of us have received or made very insincere apologies following a misunderstanding or intentionally harmful behavior. Whether in your home, at school, or the workplace, each of us has been faced with the need to set things right – as much as possible — after cruel words or actions have damaged a relationship.
As we age, the hurts we can cause become even more powerful and damaging. Decisions made in haste can have far-reaching and long-lasting effects on others as well as ourselves.
Scripture is filled with reminders about the power of our words and actions.
Matthew 12:24-40 states that it is from the heart a man acts.
James 3:5-8 cautions readers about the destruction possible from speaking hastily.
James 4:8 encourages us to draw near to God and cleanse our hearts so that we will not behave in a double-minded way.
Romans 12:1, 2 says that we should not be conformed to this world, but we rather allow the Holy Spirit to transform our patterns of thinking completely.
Many individuals believe that simply making an apology is enough, even when they have wreaked devastation and pain through what was said or done. Yet even a sincere confession does not undo the consequences of poor choices.
The Old Testament prophet Joel warned the people of Judah that there were ramifications to their continued rebellion and disobedience. While God’s people believed that outward confessions would earn forgiveness even as their hearts remained unchanged, Joel stated that this was not the case.
Upon sincere repentance, God pledged that if His people would “rend their heart, not their garments” (Joel 2:13), He would graciously forgive and restore. It would take more than a grudging, forced, “I’m sorry” to set the record straight. Unlike half-hearted, “I’m sorry’s” between disingenuous siblings, God knows the intent of the human heart.
It is never enough to simply “rend our garments” in contrition. We must also “rend our hearts” in true remorse. Words alone are empty without the power of the Holy Spirit bringing a complete change in our lives.
Turn to God with penitent hearts. He is always ready to forgive.