Left, Dan Kieser, the assistant manager at Helena Agra, reviews the aftermath of Thursday’s storm, which ripped off portions of the roofs from two buildings on the property, located at the intersection of 700W and 350S. The storm hurled the detached sheet metal about half a mile into the adjacent field, Kieser said. Along with the damaged roof, the storm lifted one building off the foundation so much that Kieser said he’ll need to raze it. (Photo by Chet Baumgartner) At right, the storm toppled over an empty 30,000-gallon, 35-foot tall fertilizer tank. (Photo provided) 

At left, Kieserpoints to the damaged field just south of his property. Prior to Thursday’s storm, Kieser said, crops there had already grown several inches high, but the storm essentially destroyed them. Below, sheet metal from the roof is twisted up into jagged teeth due to the storm. (Photos by Chet Baumgartner)