Invitation to Bid

Project: Bluffton, IN Waste Water Treatment Plant Improvements

Description: This work involves improvements and upgrades to the existing Bluffton Wastewater Treatment Plant for treatment of a peak daily flow of 13 MGD, including but not limited to:

Temporary electrical and controls, temporary chemical feed system, demolition of existing structures and buildings, influent flow structure modifications, new influent pump station, new oxidation ditch, new circular clarifiers with splitter box, scum grinder station, new RAS/WAS pump station, new gravity thickener with sludge pump station, new non-potable water system, modification to existing UV structure including new post-aeration system, new buildings (electrical building, plant control building, chemical feed building, and maintenance building), electrical and SCADA upgrades, site utilities and improvements, and all appurtenance work.

Bid Date: March 21, 2023 @ 4:30 p.m.

Contacts: Justin Winenger,, or Derek Davidson,

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