As I write this last day of October 2022, it is beautiful outside my window because my large maple tree takes up the whole scene of the Zanesville Community Church of God and the Marzane/Scott Street/South County Line Road intersection. The tree is a golden orange as it is every fall. It also covers the site of a catalpa tree west of it. This tree has fought for life for many years as it had a split trunk and our neighbor Bill Fisher told to strap it and it would be okay. When our grandkids moved in the little house across the street they took over, with many cousins, and made the tree a playground. They called it their Shrek tree as it is still called today. Those kids are now grown but they still love the memories.
The catalpa is a very odd tree. The dictionary says it is so called because of the shape of it’s flowers. It is any of a genus (catalpa) of hardy American and Asiatic trees of the bignonis family, with large, heart shaped leaves, showy clusters of trumpet-shaped flowers, and slender long bean like pods. So much for your lesson on trees for today!
I am so busy as is everyone as we count down to the end of the year. By the time you read this, the Zanesville Lions Community Halloween Party is over and the Lions are now planning for the sale of our Christmas wreaths while still selling apple dumplings. Our Pizza Hut punch cards and McDonald coupons books are still good until Dec. 31.
At the end of November the Zanesville Lions will be setting up a display for the drive through “Wonderland of Lights” that is sponsored by the Friends of Ouabache group and runs the month of December at Ouabache State Park. If you would like to help set up the display let me know.
Did you mark your calendars to go vote on Tuesday, Nov. 8? If not do so now!
The annual Christmas Lighting Contest sponsored by the Lions Club is also coming up very soon. You will want to have your lights up and running by judging night, Dec. 18 for a photo shoot and then judging will take place on Monday the 19th. Cash prizes will be given to winners.
Come on over and enjoy fellowship and coffee with those attending the Coffee Cafe at the Zanesville Community Church of God on weekdays from 7:30 to 10 a.m.