This summer I helped to host a bridal shower at our church, and the closer the date came, the more nervous I was about our preparations. Would there be enough food? What about the decorations? And who would actually show up to the event?

“Guesstimations” indicated around 20-30 people, yet fewer than ten responses came from individuals who promised to attend the party. No response meant a response in the negative: “No, I won’t be there.”

Later on, another family member hosted a second bridal party with one tiny difference. This time, noted on the invitation was the line, “Regrets Only.” Two simple words indicated that unless you notified the hostess you were unable to join the festivities, it was assumed that you would be there on the day in question. In this case, no response meant that, “Yes, I’ll be happy to join the celebrations.”

Both invitations required a response — one, affirmative and one, negative.

Imagine how many offers come your way on a daily basis.

Emails offering a prize if only you will click on the link provided.

Sandwiches held as rewards if you will only complete a survey.

The invitation to join a group of friends in the cafeteria or at a restaurant to catch up on old times.

Weddings, birthdays, promotions, anniversaries – all of these present opportunities to celebrate meaningful events with those we love. We respond to each invitation based upon our availability or interest.

Every man, woman, and child faces spiritual invitations in life.

Will I choose the gift of eternal salvation offered to me by God?

Or will I send my regrets by disregarding such a glorious offer?

Jesus is standing in Pilate’s hall — friendless, forsaken, betrayed by all.

Hearken! What meaneth the sudden call: What will you do with Jesus?

What will you do with Jesus? Neutral you cannot be.

One day your heart will be asking, “What will He do with me?”

Penned by Albert Simpson in 1905, this hymn depicts the ultimate invitation presented to mankind by our Creator. No response is a response. Will you accept with joy or send your regrets?