
Thursday, 4:25 p.m., Walmart Supercenter, 2100 N. Main St. Irate customer yelling at the associates. Officer responded. Customer left on a moped before officers arrived. Officer located the man who said he has anger issues. He was warned not to return to the store or he would be arrested for trespassing.

Thursday, 5:01 p.m., 4-H Road at Spring Street. Man and a woman fighting. Officers responded, spoke with the couple. Both warned for disorderly conduct.

Thursday, 6:53 p.m., Three Rivers Federal Credit Union, 2020 Commerce Drive. Burglar alarm. Officers responded. No sign of foul play found.

Friday, 12:52 p.m., residence in the 400 block of South Jersey Street. Caller reported he discovered white powder all over his vehicle parked at his residence.


Friday, 8:09 a.m., residence on 700S east of 200W. Residence broken into and money and gun stolen.



Thursday, 12:08 p.m., Washington Street at Bond Street. Ralph E. Aschliman, 73, rural Bluffton, was driving a 2020 Chevrolet Silverado pickup truck south on Bond Street. Jeffrey L. Moss, 66, Petroleum, was driving a 2001 Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck east on Washington Street. Both stopped for the 4-way stop and both entered the intersection at the same time. The collision caused more than $5,000 damage.


Thursday, 2:50 p.m., Cooper Commerce Center, 1169 N. Main St. Smell of natural gas in the building. Bluffton Fire Department dispatched. No gas detected. Smell might have been coming from a nearby construction site.

Friday, 12:16 p.m., Kathryn and Cory Green residence, 2790S. Main St., Liberty Center. Fire on the porch of the residence. Liberty Township Fire Department dispatched. Mutual aid dispatched from Bluffton and Uniondale. Bluffton and Uniondale advised to disregard.


Briannna M. Donnersbach, 20, Bluffton; distracted driving, Washington Street west of Marion Street.

Peyton M. Sloan, 27, Berne; no valid driver’s license in his possession, Main Street at Harrison Road.

Aaron T. Roberts, 44, Bluffton; distracted driving, 2000 block of North Main Street.

Timothy G. Zeiss, 36, Bluffton; distracted driving, Main Street at Northwood Drive.