Loneliness has been around for a very long time. But the isolation of COVID these past two years has really added to the problem. Some people have no family close by. Some people have lost family and friends to death, illness, the process of aging, and even disabilities. In spite of all the loneliness that exists in the world today, one can still make connections. One can still learn to make new friends. One can still find emotional support, and learn how to reach out to others; socially, spiritually, and physically.
Now is a great time to learn how to beat summer loneliness; especially as we are all trying to pull ourselves out of this pandemic. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:
• Call and check in on someone; just because.
• Decide to make a close friend.
• Have at least one person you can talk to.
• Send more snail mail; a note, a card, a letter.
• Join a group on-line.
• Travel, but only if it’s safe to do so.
• Attend a community event/activity.
• Invite someone to your house.
• Make one person laugh.
Can you recall a time when you were not so lonely? A time when you felt connected to other people. A time when you felt that others were really listening to you. A time when you felt like you were enjoying others’ company.
Everyone needs some alone time. But everyone also needs some time to be around other people. If you’re like most people, you want to be cared about. You want to be valued and validated. You want to be accepted, respected, and loved.
One thing anyone can do immediately to deal with summer loneliness is to exercise, move more, and get more physical. Summer is a great time to walk, run, bike ride, swim, hit the gym, try a new sport or hobby. Attend a concert, a movie, or a theatre production. Summer is a great time to listen to music, learn to play an instrument, or simply drum.
Brainstorm about a few specific ways that you would be willing to “reach out”. Search for a few new ideas. Look for more opportunities to get involved. Consider all your options. Begin to rebuild a new network of friends. Decide to beat summer loneliness in 2022.