As you make your plans for this summer and for the July 4th holiday, you might also be considering the cost of gas if you intend to travel. Many people are. Worrying about and budgeting for gas expenses could also have a negative effect on some relationships. It’s an easy item to argue about; and it might require saying ‘no” to an extra visit to family and friends; especially the ones that live farther away.

Some people are willing to make a few new lifestyle changes in order to better cope with gas/travel costs. What are you willing to do? What can you do? Start by trying a few of these simple suggestions:

* Choose to drive less on some days.

* Leave the car parked more often.

* Remove excess weight from your vehicle.

* Check oil, air filters, and tires regularly.

* Get regular vehicle tune-ups and repairs.

* Slow down; follow the speed limit.

* Use “cruise control” if possible.

* Combine several errands into one trip.

* Walk, ride a bike, scooter, rideshare/carpool.

* Eliminate one trip from your schedule.

* Alternate days that you have to drive.

* Buy the cheapest gas in town.

Financial stress is no laughing matter. Research indicates that Americans spend a good part of their waking hours worrying, fretting, and becoming depressed about the cost of living; including gas prices, groceries, rent, budgeting, and ways to “cut back” on certain expenses.

The bottom line is that when dealing with finances/money, it is important to pay bills on time, get out of debt, and stop overspending. It’s important to identify the priorities that will determine “how” your money is spent. Everyone should take some time to learn how to live within or below their means.

It might require a sudden dose of self-discipline and some encouragement to resist the urge to overspend, but you are worth the effort. It might require saying “no” to impulses, unnecessary travel, or unnecessary visiting/events, but you are worth the effort. Try to deal with any anxieties, insecurities, and feelings of depression; especially if they might tend to lead to overspending.

During this July 4th holiday, if the cost of living, the cost of groceries, money/finances, travel and gas prices are taking a toll on your summer budget, vow now to do one thing differently. Vow to get control of your spending. Vow to practice a little more self-discipline. Vow to use a little more self-control.  Vow to say “no”. And return to a more worry free, satisfying, effective, and happy level of functioning.