I was in a checkout lane at a local store June 9 when I noticed a pretty young lady in a motorized cart struggling to place an item in her cart. Very politely I asked if she needed  any help. Very rudely she replied, “No I don’t need help. Why don’t you go to the next lane and ask that guy if he needs help. Go on, get in the other lane.”

Stunned, I proceeded to check out my items. With my back turned to the young lady she said, “Why did you think I needed help?”

“Ma’am,” I said, “I’m sorry about your situation and I was trying to be kind.”

As this young lady was leaving, another helpful lady noticed the handicapped girl had left a sack at the check-out. She walked over to her and said, “Here, you left this sack.” The handicapped lady said very rudely, “Take it back to the check-out. I will pick it up there.” The kind lady did as she was told.

I’m not judging the young lady as I know nothing of her situation. As I continued to check out my items I prayed “Lord, whatever my circumstance is in life, may I never be that rude,” and then I said a prayer for the young lady.

The moral of the story: Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness; all these things shall be added unto you.


rural Bluffton