RE: C.Y. 2024 Capital Assistance to purchase six Small Transit Vehicles and two Low Floor Minivans

1. Notice is hereby given that Wells County Council on Aging will provide an opportunity for a public hearing for the purpose of considering a grant for which federal capital assistance under Section 5339 of the Federal Bus and Bus Facilities Program is being sought. Any person interested in a hearing must submit a request in writing that a hearing be held by Wells County Council on Aging within a ten (10) day period, after the publication of this notice.

The project is generally described as follows: In calendar year 2024 Wells County Council on Aging will purchase six Small Transit Vehicles and two Low Floor Minivans through the INDOT 5339 Capital Assistance Program. The application will be a replacement grant. The request is to replace the eight vans that have exceeded their useful life. The total estimated project cost is $826,418 with 80% Federal funds anticipated at $661,126 and 20% Local match being around $165,292.  Local match will be sourced with grants, fundraising, fare revenue.

2. If a hearing is requested and scheduled, Wells County Council on Aging will afford an opportunity for interested person(s), agencies and private transportation providers to be heard with respect to the social, environmental, and economic aspects of the grant. Interested persons may submit orally or in writing evidence and recommendations with respect to said grant at the public hearing.

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